Saturday, August 29, 2009

How Do You Spell Relief?

With a chilled bottle of wine, Chinese take-out and a hot bath...

It's my annual "well woman's" check-up and I'm all all stirruped up when I see the look on the doctor's face and she says Do you feel that? as she's doing the breast exam.  No.  No. Noooooo!!!  I don't feel it; I just feel my rib.  I'm single and trying to date and I'm thinking I can handle the bald look, but no boobs???  Last year I had a biopsy on the other breast and everything was fine.  This has to be fine, too!  Can't I wait just 4 weeks, it's only 30 days, until my annual mammogram??  The radiologist who reads the mammograms then calls and tells me I should come and have an ultrasound now.  Now??  Right now?  This very minute?  The thoughts going through my mind are way too scary to really even be thinking about.  We did the sonogram and after some tears - it's decided that I get to keep my hair AND my breast.  There  is a little lump, but nothing to worry about.  It doesn't get any better than that.  Really.  

So, I celebrate and embrace my good fortune with a glass of wine, a generous helping of Kung Pao chicken and a nice, hot, lavender- filled bath!  And my fortune in those little crunchy, flavorless cookies reads Good health will be yours for a long time.


  1. I love this....and somehow I didn't know about this! I am thankful you get to keep your hair and your boobs, your going to need em!!

    Love you

  2. Dang! Good to know the universe is there & on your side!

    You are braver than I - I would've been downing some Lorazepam just to stay together.

